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Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Medicine

So apparently we are still learning more and more about Twitter. (If you are not following us yet- definitely do so @ www.twitter.com/elizryanphoto) We just found a message that was sent to us from Johns Hopkins asking us to post pictures of the Safer Sculpture installation into the Robert H. and Clarice Smith Building on April 18th! I took these photos while doing my job of Development Coordinator at the Wilmer Eye Institute! We entertained about 12 people (including John Safer, the sculptor; Dr. McDonnell, the Director of Wilmer; and many others!). It was an exciting day for Wilmer and showed great progress of the construction site- which is now pretty much complete! The new building will be dedicated on Friday, October 16th! And the planning of that event is pretty much what I do on a daily basis at Wilmer! Did I ever tell you how much I LOVE huge events?? I do.

Since we never posted these photos for everyone to see... here are a few! By the way, the Safer Sculpture is titled "Quest" and is a 3 story tall sculpture that was designed specifically for this new building. John Safer, a grateful patient at Wilmer, generously donated this incredible piece which has become an aw-inspiring focal point in the building! Hope you enjoy!

The Robert H. and Clarice Smith Building

An anxious crowd watched on.

The duck tape made us a little nervous. :)

The holes were less than 1/4 inch larger than the bolts they had to fit over. This could have gone horribly wrong, but it was the perfect fit.

A sigh of relief and a grin of excitement for Dr. Goldberg, John Safer, and Dr. McDonnell.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Love is in the Air!

What can you not "love" about these images? Here are some photos from an evening out and about at the Visionary Art Museum. We hope you enjoy!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Baltimore Rocks

Just a few photos of the wonderful place where we live. These were taken on July 4th weekend just across the street from our house. Wanna come visit yet???

Enjoy =)